Other companies may offer similar programs and guarantees, but none can match the quality and affordability of AATBS's study programs. The Pass Guarantee is valid only to customers who have purchased an EPPP Premium or EPPP Pro Study Package.
To Qualify for the Pass Guarantee You Must:
Package must be purchased 3 to 12 months prior to taking your board licensing exam.
Complete the online Assessment Exam.
Complete all TestMASTER exams, a minimum of 2 times for each exam, with the last three scores being 75% or higher.
Complete the last round of TestMASTER quizzes within the last 30 days before taking the exam.
Consult with one of our Coaches for no fewer than two evaluations of your progress, with at least one being within the last 30 days before taking the board licensing exam.
Coaches must sign off on your exam readiness during final evaluation.
Contact our office within 30 days of failing the exam and provide us with your test results.
If you qualify for the Guarantee, you will get the following:
A total of 4 months' access to TestMASTER.
50% off any workshop that is being repeated. You must call in to redeem.
Any questions? Please call us at (800) 472-1931.
All policies are subject to change without notice.