Mastering EPPP Time Management: Your Path to Success

Mastering EPPP Time Management: Your Path to Success

The EPPP (Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology) is a significant milestone in the journey of becoming a licensed psychologist. The EPPP is not just a test of your knowledge; it's a test of your time management skills too. As you navigate through a sea of questions and topics, effective time management becomes your guiding star. In this article, we will explore some top tips to help you conquer the EPPP with confidence, mastering the art of time management.

Pacing is Key

Here is an example of a type of question you might encounter on the EPPP in the Assessment and Diagnosis Domain.

The male-to-female ratio for children and adolescents with ADHD is approximately:

a. 5:1

b. 2:1

c. 4:1

d. 1:1

As you can see, each question has four possible answers, only one of which is correct. In this case, the correct answer is B, as the gender ratio is approximately 2:1 (though it may be higher in clinical settings, where comorbidity with ODD/CD is high). Answers A, C, and D are not gender ratios that are approximate with ADHD, which makes these answers incorrect.

Here is another example of a type of question you might encounter on the Growth and Lifespan Development Domain.

What theorist placed emphasis on the importance of relationships with others as an important factor in cognitive development?

a. Piaget

b. Vygotsky

c. Kohlberg

d. Gilligan

In this case, the correct answer would be B. Lev Vygotsky is known for his social-cognitive theory of cognitive development. Piaget (answer A) is known for a theory of cognitive development that focused on adaptation, assimilation, and accommodation. Kolhberg (answer C) and Gilligan (answer D) are both associated with a theory of moral development.

Have a Plan for Tackling Each Question

When you’re taking a test like the EPPP, it helps to be methodical about each question. It’s important to have a plan for how you’re gonna tackle each one, so you can focus on the question and not become anxious.

Planning for breaks, you’ll have 55 seconds for each question, so make sure you read it all the way through and take your time. Sometimes when we’re stressed, we read too fast and make mistakes. Take a deep breath and remember to use all the time you have.

If you read the question carefully the first time, you won’t waste time re-reading it. Try to figure out what the question is about and what it’s asking you. Don’t look at the answer choices yet! First, try to come up with your own answer in your head.

Usually, your first answer is the right one, so don’t change it unless you’re sure. And sometimes you might have to guess, but we’ll talk about that next.

Allocate Time for Each Section

The EPPP is divided into eight content areas, each covering a specific domain of psychology. To effectively manage your time, allocate a proportionate amount of time for each section based on its weight in the exam. For instance, if Biological Bases of Behavior accounts for 10% of the exam, allocate a commensurate amount of your time for this section. Remember, not all sections will be equally challenging for you, so don't stick rigidly to the same amount of time for each.

Set a Time Limit for Review

One of the key challenges with time management is the urge to revisit and revise. While reviewing is important, it should be done within a time frame. Allocate a specific chunk of time near the end of the exam for revisiting flagged questions and reviewing your answers. This ensures that you have enough time for the initial run-through, and your review doesn't eat into your precious answering time.

Manage Anxiety Related to Time Constraints

The pressure of a ticking clock can be a significant source of anxiety during the EPPP. To manage this anxiety effectively, consider these strategies:

a. Breathing Techniques: Take a moment to breathe deeply and calm your nerves. Deep breaths can help reduce anxiety and improve your focus.

b. Positive Self-Talk: Remind yourself of your preparation and capabilities. Positive affirmations can boost your confidence and alleviate anxiety.

c. Avoid Overthinking: Trust your instincts. Overthinking a question can lead to indecision and waste precious time. Go with your initial response unless you have a compelling reason to change it.

d. Time Checks: Periodically glance at the clock to ensure you're staying on track. If you find yourself lingering on a question for too long, make a quick decision and move on.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Time management is a skill that improves with practice. Invest time in taking practice exams, like those offered by Academic Review, under timed conditions. This will help you become familiar with the rhythm of the EPPP and develop a sense of time for each question. It's an opportunity to fine-tune your strategy.


Effective time management is an integral part of succeeding in the EPPP. By pacing yourself, allocating time for each section, setting limits for review, and managing time-related anxiety, you can approach the exam with confidence and control. Remember, the EPPP is not just a test of your knowledge but a demonstration of your ability to manage the most valuable resource – time. With these top tips in mind, you can navigate the EPPP with precision, ensuring your journey towards becoming a licensed psychologist is a smooth and successful one.